When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.
-Cynthia Heimel
My rockin' knitting group!
Happy Birthday to Meeeeee.................
Recently it was my birthday, so my knitting group got together and threw me a little party at knitting! There was cake (chocolate!) wine (red and white), and cider, for those who don't partake. Annnd, there were presents.
How nice are they? What great friends I have!
On another note, my spinning guild had a dye day a while ago, and we dyed self patterning sock yarn. We are suppodes to at least start knitting socks out of it and bring it to spinning guild this week, so I had to get crackin and do mine. The colors are just slightly less fab than I would have imagined, but maybe when I am finished I can get a pair of really excellent boots to cover them up with! And speaking of socks... the Claudia Handpaint socks on the sidebar have made the plunge into the frog pond. Shockingly, they were too big. Those of you who know me personally and have viewed my feet will understand why I find this shocking.
5 That's what you say!:
Happy Belated Birthday!
That colorway looks pretty good to me.
I don't even send you a birthday card and your knitting group throws you a party! You deserved one! The socks are awesome.
How exciting to have a suprise birthday party- you deserved one! I love your socks.
Happy belated birthday to you! Such a lovely pressie you received, how great! And I absolutely adore your sock, it's going to look so lovely - can't wait to see both socks once they're finished! Happy Knitting!
Dipsy D.
Your sock looks absolutely great? what? cover them up? why for?
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